Category Archives: education

Design Students: Just One Word

404 Page not found graphicIn the 1967 movie “The Graduate,” Mr. McGuire (Walter Brooke) takes young Ben (Dustin Hoffman) aside at his graduation party:

Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you – just one word.
Ben: Yes sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Ben: Yes I am.
Mr. McGuire: ‘Plastics.’
Ben: Exactly how do you mean?
Mr. McGuire: There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?
Ben: Yes I will.
Mr. McGuire: Shh! Enough said. That’s a deal.

This short scene served to underscore the divide between the young and old generations of that age. The term ‘generation gap’ had just recently been coined. Today, advice is still given, and because of “The Graduate,” it bears much of the generational divide and paternalism that separates adviser and advisee. So it is with considerable unease that I offer my advice to students of design who are concerned about their future, post-graduation. Just one word: Web.

Old Guys Do Print

We know that the jobs for fresh graduates are in the digital realms, not in print. A couple of years ago NSCAD design grad and Halifax designer Jeff White posted an entry on his website called “How to Get a Job as a Designer:”

  • Don’t email all of the companies at one time.
  • Find out the names of the hiring person at each company you want to work at and address us individually. With the web, it’s really not hard, and shows some initiative on your part.
  • Don’t email us a big PDF of your work. Many of us receive a big chunk of our email on a handheld device, and downloading a 3MB PDF is a hassle, even over 3G.
  • There is next to no work for print designers in Halifax at this time. You’ll need (a lot of) web experience to really get in the door. I’d suggest spending the next few months honing your web design skills. Put together a killer portfolio online, find some non-profits looking for a designer, and go after them. We’re all looking for designers with fresh ideas who also understand how to code XHTML/CSS/Actionscript and everything else. Being a multi-talented designer will keep you employed.

Yet, for reasons I cannot fathom, the majority of students seem to be avoiding digital media. Real media is all the rage: the Craft Division can’t keep up with the demand for “book arts” courses. In design, print and product design are the stars of the show.

Design graduates who are qualified to do web design are reporting back to us that they have been successful landing web design work, and striking-out in their attempts to break into print and other design areas. The reason for this is simple: ‘old guys’ do the print stuff. They have years of experience and they’re unfamiliar with web design. So for students in design school, the key to their future success is one word: Web.

404 Course Not Found

Around the same time as his “How to Get a Job” posting, Jeff discussed “The State of Design Education in Nova Scotia.” I consider Jeff a very knowledgeable commentator—he’s taught two of our web design courses. In his post, he criticized design educators in general and NSCAD in particular for not paying enough attention to web design:

One thing a former student mentioned was the need for a more intensive studio-level course in web design. I couldn’t agree more. A dedicated course in web typography…is also absolutely essential…

…So what can we do? As industry members we have a responsibility to push our educational institutions to provide up-to-date and appropriate courses for students. We’re the ones who will reap the benefit. Just the other day I sat in the office of the president of a major local web developer who was crying for at least two web designers with front end coding (XHTML/CSS/Javascript) capabilities. I was able to think of only one person and he’s not even from our city. Industry groups like the GDC and ACIMA also need to get more involved in the students side of things, and the student side of ACIMA is something I’m going to be working towards next year. The GDC doesn’t seem to have much interest in the web at all, but if enough of us got involved, maybe we could change that.

NSCAD’s Bachelor of Design program has a web design course that is a requirement for graduation. It teaches students XHTML/CSS and how to create web standards-compliant websites. But Jeff has a point. Where are the other web design courses that provide more in-depth opportunities and experiences?

Intermediate Interactive Design

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It’s no wonder that some people complain that NSCAD doesn’t educate its designers in web design: it seems as though only one, the Intro course, is ever taught. Intermediate Interactive Design is the follow-on course to the required introduction course, and we offer it every year. I teach the course when I can, and I love it. The course is an examination of the historical and theoretical foundations of interactive design and communication, with practical studio projects, such as learning how to install and develop websites using a popular open-source content management system, Joomla. We read and discuss some of the seminal articles in hypertext, user interface and information architecture theory and practice. Students have opportunities to learn new software and techniques, and to apply this knowledge to solving practical problems.

The course last ran in 2009 and may not run in 2011. But don’t blame NSCAD: the course was offered in 2010, and when only five students enrolled, it had to be cancelled.

The course is being offered again in Winter 2011 but only four students have enrolled. It risks cancellation for the second year in a row.

There is only so much that we, those of us from the older generation, can do to encourage young people to benefit from our mistakes and take advantage of our insights. When we do this too forcefully, we risk sounding paternalistic, or, even worse, irrelevant. Students know that they will leave university heavily in debt, and because they are paying for their education with much of their own hard-earned cash, they expect value for their money. And at the moment, students don’t seem to value web design.

Handouts? …you don’t need no stinkin’ handouts!

Today I perused the evaluations that my students submitted for last semester’s Introduction to Interactive Design course. Nobody’s perfect: some of the criticisms are valid. Often I’ll get one or two evaluations that say I’m the best, and one or two who say I’m the worst. This time was no exception, but I also noticed a number of instances of “we need handouts” in the comments section of the forms. Normally when I get five or six students saying the same thing, I take notice. But this time I thought: “Come on, you’ve got to be kidding me…”

The course is a basic boot camp for XHTML and CSS. It’s fairly straightforward and as long as the students tackle each weekly assignment, they will keep up. It isn’t rocket science, but students have to do the work, and for a 3-credit course, students are expected to spend around 6 hours out of class working on their assignments.

As time has gone by, I’ve noticed that the students’ expectations are changing. They are much more demanding, for one, and much less willing to accept that they need to work to find the answers to questions posed by the instructor. Whereas students a decade ago were willing to get their hands dirty, experimenting, discovering, and finding things out on their own, more and more students today are expecting us to give them the answers “on a silver platter.” Hey, Teach–you showed me, but I was up really late last night and I sort of dozed off in class so I didn’t take any notes. Can you give me a handout?

You want a handout? I’ll give you one better. I’ll let you in on a little secret: Google. Heard of it? It’s really cool…

If you forget how to add an image to your HTML page, try googling “image html” and you’ll see that there are 264 million results just waiting for you; ALL of the ones on the first page tell you how. Take your pick. If you forget about server side includes, try googling “server side includes” and you’ll get about a million results. And for the skeptical among you, I can assure you that all of the results on the first page are relevant matches for what you were asking for!

What? You say that you don’t like reading? [ sigh ] Ok, here’s another little secret: YouTube. Don’t tell anyone or you’ll spoil it. Search for “server side includes” in YouTube, and the top result is a 7-minute tutorial on server side includes.

So please. Don’t ask for handouts. That’s so 1990’s.

One City Block, Surrounded by Reality

At most universities and colleges, course costs are fixed, like airfares in the days before deregulation. But what would happen if we set course registrations using variable pricing?


I’ve been sitting on an ad hoc committee to look at ways the university can make better use of its resources. We’ve investigated suggestions that range from closing the studios at nights (not a popular option for the student union) to eliminating this or that service or department. My own parsimonious character is quite open to all these suggestions, but in the most recent meeting I made a rather off-the-wall comment that went something like this:

I know that we’re looking at practical and immediate ways to save money, and what I have in mind would require a capable student information system [Laurelle, our Registrar, closes her eyes and nods ruefully], but I wonder if we could step back for a moment and stop looking at our school as a university and consider it from the point of view of the hotel or airline business. These two industries know how to use resources and capital better than anyone.

Like an airline, we have airplanes (classrooms), we have ticketing and reservations systems (Registrar), we have pilots, attendants and mechanics (profs, technicians and administrative assistants) yet some of our planes (classrooms) fly half-full. An airline would have been bankrupt long ago.

So why don’t we try to maximize our capital stock, like an airline? When an airline has a half-empty airliner, they have a seat sale. Why don’t we do the same with our courses—give a classroom seat at a lower price to fill the class?

Everyone around the table smiled, as they are apt to do when someone who doesn’t talk much opens his mouth—they were curious to hear pretty much anything from me. Then my colleague Pam Ritchie replied that she didn’t think students would like it if they found out that the student beside them got the course for half price. I hadn’t thought of that, Pat. There were murmurs of agreement around the room, and the discussion moved to the next suggestion.

Fairness is Most Fair to the Ones Who Benefit the Most

I’m content to throw my bread on the waters in this manner; it has returned to me several times in the past few days. I’ve thought about Pat’s objection, and I don’t think that things would work that way. The NSCAD ethos dictates that we should treat everyone fairly; we don’t have differential fees (a Ceramics program is much more costly to run than a Design program, but students in both programs pay the same). I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has observed that fairness is most fair to the ones who benefit the most. So the idea of variable course fees is a complete non-starter at NSCAD.

Ok, so this is just an obscure blog… let’s play this out for a minute: students—and most staff and faculty—would object to the idea of variable course pricing on the basis that it is fundamentally unfair. Is it? And would this objection continue in practice?

Everyone Hates the Airlines, But Nobody Complains About their Seat-sale Deals

Let’s look at the airlines. Even though people love to hate Air Canada, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone complain about the fact that they got a good deal on a seat sale; neither have I ever heard anyone complain that they paid full fare while others paid less. Why would students behave any differently than the flying public?

Personally, I don’t feel badly when I pay for a reserved seat on a plane (or make a hotel reservation), knowing that their pricing schemes allow for the possibility that others are getting a cheaper rate for the same service. Why is this different than, say, a bicycle purchase—if I buy a bicycle for $300 and the next day it goes on sale for $250, shouldn’t the store have told me to wait until tomorrow to take advantage of the sale?

What’s going on here? On reflection, there are two important distinctions:

  1. A bicycle is a durable good, while the hotel stay or airline flight is an experience.
  2. When I reserve a hotel room, I’m paying not just for the room. I also receive the right of first refusal of that room on that night, and if I do decide to stay there, the cost is locked-in. Even if a busload of millionaires breaks down in front of the hotel at 11:30am on that night, the room is mine, at that price.


Education Is Not a Durable Good

Not only is it NSCAD the institution that prices its services as though they are physical commodities, it’s also some students who adhere to this misapprehension: “I have paid my tuition, now show me what I need to get a job (or get my credential).” The wiser and more mature students understand that education is an experience and that what you get out of it is in direct proportion to what you put in. And the value of a course to one student may be very different than the value to another student. For example, a student who has procrastinated enrolling in a required 2000-level Art History course until their final semester values this course much more than a second-year student. Should the fourth-year student pay more?

The Value of Reservations

Every good hotelier knows that there is a base cost to each room in her hotel, and that an empty room is a money loser. That’s why she is delighted to partner with reservation services like—she can still make money even if she gives it away at half price. The customer who gets the deal (“shop for discount travel!” says the website) is delighted that he saved money. He is not thinking that he perhaps will pay more than another hotel customer.

But what about the customer who paid more? I’m a cheapskate, but I have my preferences. Say I like a particular hotel in New York, and I know that I’m going there in two months. I could wait until the day before I leave, go on the web and get a fantastic deal, or maybe the hotel is full, and I’m shut out. So if I want the assurance that I will get the room in the hotel I like, I pay more for the privilege. I’m happy with my $170-a-night room, and the person who pays $100 at the last minute for the room next to me is happy too.

The Benefits of Variable Pricing

Why would we want to charge differently for the same course at a different time, and what benefits, if any, would there be to students and the university?

Currently, students register for Fall and Winter semester courses starting in late March. They are encouraged to register early so that they can get into the courses they want. Latecoming students may not be able to get into the more popular courses. The less popular courses are cancelled by June. The university cannot keep a course on the books, hoping that it will fill, because if a course is cancelled past a certain date, the university pays the instructor a large fee for being available, even though the course is cancelled. Students are inconvenienced by a tyranny of the popular; only the well-subscribed courses will run, and the less popular ones are cancelled. These courses may be wonderful, and there are students who want them, but because these students are in a minority, they run rarely if at all.

If we consider variable pricing, we could start out by offering students a package deal: register early for a full load and get 20% off the per-credit price! When class numbers settle out, and it is apparent that certain courses have low enrolments, the cost of these courses could be lowered: while quantities last, these courses are half-price! For students who wait too long, the popular courses that are almost filled are priced higher.

The result: courses that would normally be canceled gain enough students to run, and the university uses course pricing to moderate demand. Classrooms are fuller, and course offerings are more predictable.

In the past, this kind of behaviour appeared unseemly, but I think that those public institutions with looming deficits need to start thinking a little differently about what they do and how they do it.